5 Ways to Prevent Spread of Toxoplasma

Written By rajablos on Kamis, 17 Maret 2011 | 03.35

Toxoplasma is an infectious disease found in animals on the farm or domestic animals. Merupakaan cat carrier (carrier) and can transmit the disease to humans through the feces, especially when it is dry and inhaled by humans.

Although cats can spread the disease, they are not the main source of human infection. Human toxoplasmosis is more likely to experience when eating raw or undercooked meats or not washing hands thoroughly after handling meat. Cats can also suffer from toxoplasmosis from raw meat is consumed or prey on other animals, like rats.
Cats that prey animals have the possibility of having exposure or infection. In many cases, cats will not show signs of infection. However, if the cat has loss of appetite, fever, and lethargy, it's a sign that he has an infection disease.

Humans are exposed to Toxoplasma will experience mild flu-like symptoms. The problem will be more serious in women who are pregnant or in people who have problems with their immune. The fetus in women infected with Toxoplasma will be deformed at birth.

You can prevent the spread of Toxoplasma by doing the following simple way:

1. People who are not pregnant women or who have problems with the immune animal cages should be cleaned every day. Cleaning every day is very important because the feces of infected cats can transmit after 36-48 hours.

2. Use rubber gloves or disposable when cleaning the cage. After that, wash your hands thoroughly using soap.

3. We recommend that you provide in the form of dry cat food, canned, or cooked evenly. Keep them did not seek its own prey.

4. Cook meat thoroughly and evenly. Wash your hands and other equipment in contact with raw meat, such as cutting boards, knives, and the washing bath.

5. Use gloves when gardening. You do not know where cat feces strewn plain. After that, wash your hands.

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5 Ways to Prevent Spread of Toxoplasma

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